New Photoshop Creative Magazine


Issue 132 out now, and it’s packed with even more than ever before!

  • Make your own brushes, textures, fonts and more with our super do-it-yourself feature: make resources and get creative with any kind of Photoshop project!
  • Create incredible double exposures, paint simple landscapes supercharge your photos and create surreal landscapes with the best tutorials you’ll find anywhere!
  • Learn how to make a newspaper, add rain to your photos and create multi-coloured hair with our 14-page Photoshop For Beginners section!
  • Win a fantastic Instant Lab Universal worth $145 or one of three copies of Replichrome III: Archive with our Readers’ Challenge, plus we showcase your art in the Gallery!
  • Download a whopping 2,000 free resources from the FileSilo, including 909 brushes, 289 textures, 93 actions, 12 fonts and so much more!

Get your copy now from all good newsagents and supermarkets.



Mobile Apps update

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Adobe have released update for there mobile apps on the Android platform.

Updates are now available for Adobe Photoshop Mix, Adobe Color CC, Adobe Shape CC, Adobe Brush CC and also Adobe Creative Cloud.

In addition the updates for Adobe Color CC, Adobe Shape CC, and Adobe Brush CC will be the last updates for these apps. The reason is that they are now all part of one app called Adobe Capture. This is also a free app available from the Google Play Store.