Issue 132 out now, and it’s packed with even more than ever before!
- Make your own brushes, textures, fonts and more with our super do-it-yourself feature: make resources and get creative with any kind of Photoshop project!
- Create incredible double exposures, paint simple landscapes supercharge your photos and create surreal landscapes with the best tutorials you’ll find anywhere!
- Learn how to make a newspaper, add rain to your photos and create multi-coloured hair with our 14-page Photoshop For Beginners section!
- Win a fantastic Instant Lab Universal worth $145 or one of three copies of Replichrome III: Archive with our Readers’ Challenge, plus we showcase your art in the Gallery!
- Download a whopping 2,000 free resources from the FileSilo, including 909 brushes, 289 textures, 93 actions, 12 fonts and so much more!
Get your copy now from all good newsagents and supermarkets.