Photoshop Touch gets an update


Both versions of Photoshop Touch (the Table and Phone) have had an update.

This brings the tablet version to 1.7.5 and the Phone version to 1.3.5

New to each version are:

  • Creative Cloud automatic sync is disabled; Sync files manually
  • Updated manual upload/download functionality for Creative Cloud
  • Various bug fixes provide an improved overall experience

In addition the phone version has now been enhanced so that it will now work on large format screens such as the LG G3 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

***Hot News***

The phone version has had an extra update to 1.3.6 and it now supports the Nexus 6 smartphone.

Photoshop Creative issue 121 now on sale


The latest issue of Photoshop Creative is on sale from today.

Officially the world’s best Photoshop magazine, Photoshop Creative is jam-packed with practical Photoshop advice and incredible step-by-step tutorials for all abilities and versions. This issue showcases six easy ways to paint, whether from photos or from scratch – follow these simple projects and you’ll master brushes in no time! A collection of step-by-step tutorials walk you through the Pen tool, blend modes, adjustment layers, compositing and more. There is also a beginner guides on the Pen tool, the Lighting Effects filter and other essential edits.

Also this issue an amazing 3.6Gb of resources, tutorial file, videos and more.

Available from supermarkets and all good newsagents.