Issue 145 is out now, and it’s packed with all the best Photoshop tips, tricks and tutorials for all users!
This issue, learn how to illustrate, select and so much more with our amazing Pen Tool Made Easy feature! It has all the tips and tricks that you need to master the tool, along with some awesome projects for you to try out.
Follow our tutorials and learn how to create a boxed city, glowing text and how to lift creative portraits with blend modes.
Master Photoshop Elements with our Elements Creative section: this issue, we teach you how to create magical compositions, design embroidered text effects, fix your problems in the Elements Q&A, and we fill you in on all the latest updates to Elements 15.
Delve deeper into Photoshop with Advanced Photoshop tutorials and fiscover 10 pro photo effects to add impact to your photo compositions.
Check out your fellow readers’ artwork in the Readers’ Gallery, see what’s hot online with the Trending Gallery and read about how Jack Usephot created the latest Photoshop splash screen in the Portfolio Interview.
Win amazing prizes from Rebelle and AKVIS with our Readers’ Challenge.
Download $200 of Photoshop resources from the FileSilo, completely free with the issue, including textures, backgrounds, brushes, fonts and much more!
Get your copy now from all good newsagents and supermarkets or alternatively get yours from the Image Shop: