Issue 140 is out today, and as ever, it’s full of all the tips you need to become a Photoshop master!
- This issue we teach you to Paint from photos using simple techniques that can help transform your images, improve your brushwork and make stunning artwork.
- Follow our tutorials and learn how to create a robot, a Northern Lights effect, a colourful portrait and even speed effects!
- Master Photoshop Elements with our Elements Creative section: this issue, master Content-Aware, design a wanted poster and even dramatically change the weather in your pictures.
- Delve deeper into Photoshop with Advanced Photoshop tutorials and learn 10 pro tips for mastering infographic art.
- Check out your fellow readers’ artwork in the Readers’ Gallery, see what’s hot online with the Trending Gallery and read a Portfolio Interview with Anthony Neil Dart, who created splash screeens for Adobe.
- Win On1 Photo 10 and AKVIS HDRFactory software with our Readers’ Challenge.
- Download $169 worth of Photoshop resources from the FileSilo, completely free with the issue, including icons, stock images, textures, actions, 3D assets, backgrounds, mockups, brushes and even a font and a plug-in!
Get your copy now at all good newsagents and supermarkets.