Photoshop Creative Issue 128


The latest issue of Photoshop Creative is now on sale.

Officially the world’s best Photoshop magazine, Photoshop Creative is jam-packed with practical Photoshop advice and incredible step-by-step tutorials for all abilities and versions. Discover the full potential of blend modes this issue, and see how they are essential when it comes to photo editing, illustrating, painting and creating eye-catching text effects like the typography on the cover. There are also step-by-step guides on transforming portraits, creating manga-style cartoons, designing UI elements for apps and the web, and much more. We also have beginner guides on the Reduce Noise filter, designing simple posters with the Pen tool, fixing shadows and lighting, and other essential edits

Grab your copy today from all good newsagents and supermarkets.

Photoshop creative issue 128
Photoshop creative issue 128