New Photoshop Creative issue 146



Issue 146 is out now, and it’s packed with all the best Photoshop tips, tricks and tutorials for all users!

•This issue, check out our 12 Practical Photoshop Projects: learn how to create photo collages, phone cases and much, much more!
•Follow our tutorials and learn how to create the cover image, a collage with layers, a mirrored reflection composition and learn how to retouch lighting in your portraits.
•Master Photoshop Elements with our Elements Creative section: this issue, we teach you how to retouch with the Recompose tool, create a custom wrapping paper and master pixel art.
•Delve deeper into Photoshop with Advanced Photoshop tutorials and discover our 10 pro Photoshop tricks.
•Check out your fellow readers’ artwork in the Readers’ Gallery, see what’s hot online with the Trending Gallery and read about how Marie Beschorner creates art in Photoshop with our Portfolio Interview.
•Win amazing prizes from Macphun with our Readers’ Challenge.
•Download $200 of Photoshop resources from the FileSilo, completely free with the issue, including textures, backgrounds, brushes, fonts and much more!


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